Testfolio Alpha

Version 3.9.2/2025
Subway station in Munich

Your History? What an Odyssey!

Now that your resume reflects an accurate though still incomplete image of your profile, it is time to consider the integration thereof into an autobiographical reader's guide.
Whereas the CV is a (reverse) chronological account of your jobs and competences, the life project website thereto provides both for the perspectivation and virtualization of the first into an entirely self-authored Netfolio pertaining to where you come from, where you stand, and where you are going.
This is where the enlargement of your spectrum of competences begins, considering that web project management tolerates no improvisation. Since writings remain, why not leave a good impression? Please refer to Slidefolio page 2 for a timeline of the works which gave me plenty of food for thought on that.
Moon Safari
It goes without saying that the structure of your website (or section) will depend on the objectives you have set yourself: is your life project website supposed to tell the stories that your CV can't hold? Allow the reader to zoom in on the specifics of the latter? Or both?
Event Horizon
If you need to detox yourself from the social networks, as a newbee in the subject matter area of web publishing, you should start by switching over to long-term thinking and flexibility, at least for the time it will take you to find the right combination of web services (access and hosting) that will enable you to slow down. When the protection of your intellectual property rights is your priority, you come to realize that there are not that many options.
Why not start with a web portal of four distinct sections (such as Testfolio > Resume > Life Project > Weblog) hosted on a Jimdo-like platform (very practical when you are still scouting for the right equipment, i.e. stuck in the above mentioned event horizon)? As soon as your web project is mature enough and ready for migration over to a new web hosting service provider, this will enable you to consolidate your web presence by splitting your portal into several web modules. Looking back, I am glad I did it that way.
Choosing the most appropriate domain name will of course depend on the extensions available, but since my NetPlusUltra® formula is dedicated to the deployment of a whole new self-authoring experience, I recommend the full author name as the main domain name, as part of a web hosting solution providing both the "sub-domain" and "multi-domain" options.


Web-Oriented Master Module(s)...

As a complement to the Lifefolio module pertaining to the generational background against which the various aspects of the franchised web author’s life project are to be considered, the Testfolio will help to establish the sustainable nature of the societal trends which are of specific conceptual interest with regard to the web product(s) and/or service(s) to be developed.
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