Testfolio Alpha

Version 3.9.2/2025
Postcard of the Pont-Neuf wrapped by Christo in 1985

On Motion Pictures (and History Repeating)

Now that your virtual playground is up and running around its "sustainable" core (resume and life project), it is time to consider setting the underlying conceptual dynamics into motion, in order to show that there is an author in flesh and blood behind this Netfolio, and that it is not just yet another empty shell left abandoned.
Main Domain
Among the many possibilities provided by the shared professional hosting plan I have chosen from OVH's catalogue of web solutions, it is the main domain I have decided to reserve for official communications in my author name. Accordingly, my Blogfolio 2013 is not only the RSS dashboard pertaining to the current calendar and accounting year, it also serves as the portal providing access to my Netfolio's websites, which are as many modules that I am free to update, replace and permute as needed without having to worry beyond measure about the question of search engine optimization.
Since my main domain is expected to generate most of the traffic, not only as a result of regular updating, but also because it serves as the main gate to my other publications, I have opted for simple descriptive (i.e. self-explaining) indexation, which generates results I find necessary and sufficient in terms of natural referencing. Whereby the benefit of a web design software such as RapidWeaver is that it enables the user to customize the referencing criteria to be declared to search engines, both at website and at webpage level.
Augmented Reality
The (generic) conceptual NetPlusUltra® framework is conceived so as to encourage the production and dissemination of enriched (specific) contents, made of text augmented with special audiovisual effects such as photo galleries, slideshows, audio and video playlists, for depth of focus. The practical thing with such a conceptual website is that is it like an open interactive book in the making, protected by intellectual property law under the condition it has been properly wrapped (i.e. "netfolioed"), and hyperbrowsable (i.e. available across the space-time continuum) as a permanent autobiographical front office gateway to whatever fee-paying back office access it helps to secure as a conceptual firewall (please go to my Dashfolio 2014 to catch up on the development of my Profolio).
Social Plague
In view of such a powerful alternative to redeploy added value, what is the point of losing focus in the social networks, by uselessly multiplying embezzlement interfaces just to spread one's communications over as many format-specific web platforms as needed to keep it all together? When the purpose of a website is precisely to enable the properly framed transformation of a message into a conceptual outcome, with a view to the self-explaining transmission thereof in the form of a web author's return on experience? When a published website is a copy (or even better: a duplicate) of an original source project folder hosted on the user's hard-drive, i.e. under control of the legitimate author, and as such, to be deemed faithful as a of proof of authorship, all the more so as it is dedicated to a web franchised problem-solving perimeter generating added value in the form of social coherence and cohesion?
Gadget Inspector
Which brings us to the question of web-enabled social interaction and teamwork over messaging services. It can't be repeated often enough that the Net 2.0/3.0 is a gigantic gadget mall of which the social networks are nothing but the cafeteria. In other words, a collective trash bin. Considering that a self-respecting author, in order to remain productively self-motivated, not only needs "big picture hindsight" upon his/her work (asynchronicity of differed time, to be managed by email), but also stimulation (synchronicity of real time, to be managed by instant messaging, through video calls and virtual meetings), and above everything else, a safe user environment to enable himself/hersefl to sustain a living from his/her creations (moral and financial ownership rights upon one's work), what is the point of the cafeteria as an incubator of added value? Which is why I am using only real time messaging apps such as FaceTime, Skype and Wire, insofar as the latter enable me to keep the control over my contents, i.e. to initiate distraction-free communications on my hard-drive, i.e. from outside such web-based platforms.
And What About Solidarity?
Well: this is precisely what urgently needs to be reconsidered, i.e. reengineered by the formula (which, in this regard, is also a genuine virtual civil service franchise); in other words: conceptualized so as to be made to work. To prevent the ones from feeding their ideas to the social hoovers (which are as many ideas boxes conceived by marketing propheteers for whom the user himself is nothing but a by-product to be instrumentalized according to a purely sectarian market logic); and the others from waiting in vain for everything to fall into their lap without a bit of self-engagement; to make sure that everyone starts assuming the responsibilities which come with authoring civic-mindedness and citizenship, instead of losing it all bracing hot wind just to stay in the game.


Web-Oriented Master Program...

As a complement to the RSS dashboard (Blogfolio 2013), whose purpose it is to keep prospective franchisees posted on status updates pertaining to the Netfolio project, the Testfolio will have to contribute to the multidimensional separation of concerns, with a view to ensuring the conceptual convergence of all building blocks towards the proof of concept.
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