Testfolio Alpha

Version 3.9.1/2024
DeLorean DMC-12

Foreword to v2.0/2017

Considering that the purpose of my NetPlusUltra® program is to franchise the internet entire into a knowledge spectroscopy so as to enable the exploration of time on just about any topic, one of the prime objectives of this Testfolio is to test the blog format in all possible forms, with a view to improving whatever can be towards the announced mission statement.
Achieving this ambitious endeavor implies to liberate the content production process from the dead-ended paper output format, by conceptualizing the book (as a physical product) into a blog (as a web service), so as to ensure that each new work will not be perceived as yet another message in a bottle thrown into the red ocean internet, but rather as a new high added value contribution to the blue ocean, conceptually intraconnected (and as such complementary) to all others.
To allow everyone to consider this issue against the retro-prospective background of a lifepath reconstitution, I suggest we start with this Bookfolio, which provides for the compilation of a non exhaustive sample of works of interest with regard to the purpose of this Testfolio, insofar as they guided me throughout the development of my web franchising solution.
Each entry of this blog-enabled Bookfolio is dedicated to one of the literary works presented in the various slideshows of this website (Slidefolio pages 1 to 4). The title field contains the basic book information (title, author, editor, year of release), for further research in the search engine of your choice, whereas the summary and body sections display the book’s front and back covers respectively, or a blockquoted product description in case the original visual support is unavailable.
Each of these webographic entries is filed in a category, which corresponds to a specific section of my professional library, whereby the chosen indexation is similar to the one which can be found on the websites of most editors of this type of management literature (Dunod, Eyrolles, Maxima, Pearson, etc.).
The keywords of the tags cloud provide for further breakdown of the quoted items by language (FR, EN, DE) and problem-solving area (Dimensions 1 to 4): a work filed under "Dimension 1" for example, will enable the reader to learn more about the argument developed at "Step 1" augmented by "Slidefolio 1" thereto.
The date of each entry, which aggregates the yearly archives, corresponds to the date of purchase of the quoted book, which differs from the latter’s date of publication. The benefit of this approach, for me as a knowledge professional and web program initiator engaged in a concept demonstration strategy, is that it enables to create blogs which complement each other (Bookfolio, CV Matrix, Newsfolio, Playfolio, etc.).
Last but not least: since the web service I am developing is a master franchising solution for knowledge professionals, I expect of the introduction of my web incubation formula - in this form of a concept demonstration provided with a view to product placement and funding - that it will enable all actors of the value chain in the field of web content production and editing to lay the groundwork for the convergence of their systems towards Planet+Ultra®, according to the mission statement and specifications laid out in the various websites of this pathway, which leads straight to my registration portal…

Playfolios en développement

FR • La machine à explorer le temps
EN • The Time Machine
DE • Die Zeitmaschine
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