Testfolio Alpha

Version 3.9.1/2024
DeLorean DMC-12

Hypercrime: The New Geometry of Harm, Michael McGuire, Routledge-Cavendish, 2007.


"Hypercrime develops a new theoretical approach toward current reformulations in criminal behaviours, in particular the phenomenon of cybercrime. Emphasizing a spatialized conception of deviance, one that clarifies the continuities between crime in the traditional, physical context and developing spaces of interaction such as a 'cyberspace', this book analyzes criminal behaviours in terms of the destructions, degradations or incursions to a hierarchy of regions that define our social world.

Each chapter outlines violations to the boundaries of each of these spaces - from those defined by our bodies or our property, to the more subtle borders of the local and global spaces we inhabit. By treating cybercrime as but one instance of various possible criminal virtualities, the book develops a general theoretical framework, as equally applicable to the, as yet unrealized, technologies of criminal behaviour of the next century, as it is to those which relate to contemporary computer networks. Cybercrime is thereby conceptualized as one of a variety of geometries of harm, merely the latest of many that have extended opportunities for illicit gain in the physical world.

Hypercrime offers a radical critique of the narrow conceptions of cybercrime offered by current justice systems and challenges the governing presumptions about the nature of the threat posed by it."

Source: https://www.amazon.fr/...
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Le Guide 2010-2011 des réseaux sociaux, Micro Portable Magazine, hors-série n°13, 09/2010.


"Les réseaux sociaux connaissent un engouement extraordinaire, avec des services regroupant des dizaines de millions de membres. Mais malgré ce succès populaire, ils continuent de faire peur, avec en particulier de nombreuses interrogations autour des questions de confidentialité et de sécurité. Face à ces réticences, souvent justifiées, et à la multitude de réseaux sociaux proposés aujourd'hui aux internautes, ce guide prend toute sa dimension."

Source: dos de couverture.
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À propos de la v1.0/2013

Comme son nom de domaine l’indique, ce "test-user-website" auto-explicatif est dédié au développement d’une expérience utilisateur conviviale en termes de conception et d’hébergement web. À ce titre, ce site est conçu de manière à accompagner la migration de la version 1 de mon projet Jimdo actuel vers une nouvelle version 2 auto-hébergée créée à l’aide de RapidWeaver.
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