Testfolio Alpha

Version 3.9/2022
DeLorean DMC-12

A Practical Guide to Localization, Bert Esselink, John Benjamins Publishing, 2000.


"The preface of the first edition of this book started with 'Writing about software localization is like fighting against time'. In the two years that have passed since the first edition was published, the localization industry has changed quite dramatically. The web has taken over the world and new, web-based localization providers are challenging the larger, established localization vendors by offering advanced translation workflow automation solutions. Translation technology has evolved quickly, with an even greater number of translation tools available than ever before. Global or local web sites have become a necessity rather than a luxury, and more than half of all web pages are now in languages other than English."

Source: book preface.
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Translating Into Success, Robert C. Sprung, John Benjamins Publishing, 2000.


"The transformations in the language industry following the groundswell of globalized trade are nothing short of revolutionary. In under 10 years, the translation and software localization businesses have evolved from a cottage industry into the global business imperative. According to the European Commission, the translation services market is valued at over US$30 billion annually and is growing at 15-18 percent per year."

Source: author's foreword.
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Imagination Engineering, Brian Clegg & Paul Birch, Pearson Education, 2000.


"Imagination Engineering is a complete toolkit for unleashing your creativity. It is a practical, enjoyable guide to the world of creativity for those with both feet on the ground. A handbook of techniques for generating and implementing creative business ideas and solutions that covers all the stages of the creative process from identification to implementation."

Source: back cover.
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FR • La machine à explorer le temps
EN • The Time Machine
DE • Die Zeitmaschine
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