Foreword to v1.0/2013
As the domain name indicates, this self-explaining "test-user-website" is dedicated to the development of a user-friendly experience of web design and hosting functionalities, and is conceived so as to help me prepare the migration of my current Jimdo-based website (version 1) to a new self-hosted RapidWeaver-based update (version 2).
It is by no means meant to be perceived as a judgment on any of the third-party enablers mentioned in the End Credits section hereto, but rather as a web foundation for further holistic research on matters of intellectual property, multimedia learning, and self-training.
Along this rationale, and starting from a bold "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…" storyline, it will undergo permanent improvement as my perception of all inbuilt possibilities evolves.
So if you too are a user friendly and blue-ocean-minded web enthusiast, feel free to contact me for any subject matter related comment, suggestion, or question.